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Wisconsin's "liquid assets" real estate includes over 32,000 miles of perennial rivers and streams, 15,000+lakes and over 5 million acres of wetlands. Green Lake is the deepest inland lake in the state with a max depth of 237 feet.
More world-record Musky have been landed in Wisconsin than anywhere else. The state record musky, 69 lbs. 11 oz. and 63.5 inches long was caught on the Chippewa Flowage in Sawyer County in 1949. The State Fish Hatchery in Spooner is the world's largest producer of Muskellunge. You can adopt a Musky!
An important timber species, red pine (also called Norway pine) makes up about 8% of all volume of trees grown in Wisconsin.
Wisconsin State Parks, forests and natural areas cover 60,750 acres of the state. The Chequamegon and Nicolet National Forests, established in the early 1930's, were officially combined in 1998.
Wisconsin has over 7 million acres of land open for public hunting across a diverse range of habitat. The most trophy whitetails in Wisconsin (1,134) have been taken in Buffalo County.
Snowmobilers have 25,000 miles of trails to traverse in Wisconsin. Wisconsin ranks third in the nation for its thousands of miles of on and off road bike trails and paths. For the black top fans...Wisconsin's first stretch of interstate highway opened in Waukesha County in 1958. Wisconsin was the first state to establish a statewide numb
Snowmobilers have 25,000 miles of trails to traverse in Wisconsin. Wisconsin ranks third in the nation for its thousands of miles of on and off road bike trails and paths. For the black top fans...Wisconsin's first stretch of interstate highway opened in Waukesha County in 1958. Wisconsin was the first state to establish a statewide numbering system to direct highway traffic, in 1918. Wisconsin's borders are a maximum of 295 miles apart in width & 320 miles in length.
The highest temperature ever recorded in the state was 114 degrees on July 13, 1936 in Wisconsin Dells. The lowest on February 14, 1996 was -55 in Couderay, WI (Sawyer County)!
Wisconsin cheese makers have won 13 of 18 "U.S. Champion" awards since the U.S. Championship Cheese Contest began in 1981.
Named the official state tree in 1949, the Sugar Maple provides sap for maple syrup-about 40 gallons of sap are needed to make 1 gallon of syrup. Wisconsin ranks in the top 10 in production of maple syrup, cherries, potatoes, carrots, onions and cucumbers for pickles. The average age of cranberry beds in Wisconsin is 40 years, with the
Named the official state tree in 1949, the Sugar Maple provides sap for maple syrup-about 40 gallons of sap are needed to make 1 gallon of syrup. Wisconsin ranks in the top 10 in production of maple syrup, cherries, potatoes, carrots, onions and cucumbers for pickles. The average age of cranberry beds in Wisconsin is 40 years, with the oldest bed reported to have been planted 139 years ago (Oct./Nov. 2020 issue).
I hope you've enjoyed these Wisconsin fun facts, provided with permission from Our Wisconsin magazine. This magazine provides true relaxing reading, 100 % free of negativity. If you appreciate the beauty and uniqueness of the State of Wisconsin you will want to subscribe!
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